2011年7月29日 星期五

用超音波協助打 CVC需不需要照X光呢?

用 ultrasound-guided 打 CVC,打完後到底需不需要照X光呢?


No pneumothoraces were detected on chest x-ray in 1202 asymptomatic patients after ultrasound-guided central venous line placement.

With ultrasound-guided central line placement, is a postinsertion chest x-ray still necessary to assess for pneumothorax? Researchers reviewed records for 1258 real-time, ultrasound-guided, internal jugular vein central line placements and 4 external jugular vein placements performed in 1066 patients during 4 years in the vascular and interventional radiology suite at a single U.S. hospital.

Postprocedure upright chest x-rays were obtained in 1202 patients (after an average of 65 minutes); supine chest x-rays were performed as part of routine care in 66 hospitalized and bedridden patients. No patient had symptoms or radiographic evidence of pneumothorax. The authors conclude that eliminating routine postprocedure x-rays would save time and costs and reduce radiation exposure.

Comment: This study was performed in a more controlled environment than an emergency department. Chest x-ray is not necessary after ultrasound-guided internal jugular vein cannulation when assessment of catheter positioning is not needed. When pneumothorax is suspected, bedside ultrasound for lung sliding likely is a better test than a chest x-ray (JW Emerg Med Nov 6 2009).

Kristi L. Koenig, MD, FACEP
Published in Journal Watch Emergency Medicine July 29, 2011

Citation(s): Oner B et al. Pneumothorax following ultrasound-guided jugular vein puncture for central venous access in interventional radiology: 4 years of experience. J Intensive Care Med 2011 Jul 14; [e-pub ahead of print]. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0885066611415494)


